Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marina`s wedding cookies

 My beautiful friend Marina became somebody's wife! The truth is that this wedding happened a while ago in the summer, but well.. here is a chance to recall of this wonderful event as my first ever post on this blog.

Cookies, cakes and all other similarly creative things were a part of me ever since I was big enough to reach the top of my oven without a stool. I have never even considered that i would once maybe create such things for money because sweets have always been something I gave away to my friends or baked for my family. But the joy on my friends` faces when they receive my sweet goodies have been so precious that I really wanned to share it with others too.
Bringing out a smile on someones face for some crazy idea baked in the pastry dough, crazy colors, decorations and many other things that you dont often meet in your mamma`s kitchen.. "The cakes your moms never made"

Even to this day, my mom rolls eyes to the idea of cupcakes or my colorfully fun cookies. For her, a dessert is something traditional, difficult to make and passed on through from generation to generation. And i would lie if I said I dont enjoy such desserts as well.. but I will always be more drown towards visually appealing and different kinds much more. Something like the the cookies I make myself too.

So there you go.. for my first post.. Marina`s wedding cookies. Marina, what do you think? Should I name them after you? :D


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