Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colorful Xmas gifts

 For some time now, I`ve  been trying to post these photos, but as soon as I realized that tomorrow is the last day of the year, I decided they really should be published this year!

Along with all the cookies comes a story, so here is a story about these Xmas cookies:

About a year ago was my first time making this sort of cookies, with shortbread pastry and decorated with the royal icing. I`ve always been the scribbling and drawing one, so these type of cookies were ideal for using up my excess creative energy.

But for this Christmas, i had a whole new breaking idea that guided me.

I spent one day baking and two whole days drawing, decorating and packing the total of 130 cookies, all to give them away as - gifts.

I got together the necessary colors, all those cookies, a handful of toothpicks and napkins for quick fixes, an enormous cup full of hot tea and the radio Antena Zagreb to keep me company and give me life energy.



 And off I went into coloring!! (the photos are of lower quality because they were taken by a cell phone.. I felt bed to mess my actual camera up with the royal icing, so I used the phone insted)


By the end of drying up, I started separating some for my dear ones, family, friends and neighbors..

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..and some even got their own, personalized and unique cookies (yup, a Harry Potter).


 And the rest, you wonder? You wouldnt believe the stories i could tell you about all the people I gave a cookie to. I packed about 50 cookies into a Xmas bag, went to the city center and gave a chance to random people to pull one out of the bag for themselves.

Some reacted surprised, but some also asked me why I am giving them away instead of selling or advertising them. I had no idea how to explain that my whole goal was not to promote anything.. it was just to do something different.. to give something out without getting anything in return. Anything at all..




And just to tell you this- it was so worth it! And i would do it again any time!


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