Friday, January 7, 2011

Sweet new year

It only seems appropriate to enter the New Year in a sweet and delightful manner, therefore what else could have made it into my first post of this year than the rich chocolaty- creamy- fruity cake. The Black Forrest cake.


This wasn't a cake that found its place on our New years home menu (more on that one some other time). This cake I made for a friend, Saša (also one of the ex bloggers) and his jolly Ny. Also, this might just be the first cake ever that I made, but didnt get to taste afterwards. (Hopefully, not the last one either.. :cerek: )


The most important thing in all this is that, after the clock showed midnight, and the mass texting and calling began, i received a phone call from that same jolly crew letting me know that my first ever cake project/adventure succeeded. :njami:


And after all these food-filling holiday seasons, my mom and I had decided to make a one-month break from making any sweets whatsoever (which, of course, does not include orders from the neutral sides) and so now, we are counting the days to each other, to see who makes it further with it.
This swears to be more difficult than the Lent!!


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