I don't say that working without support is impossible, but.. having someone beside you who will nod their head when you do something well is actually pretty encouraging. So for that reason, I decided to organize a little taste/test room for those friends of mine who have been encouraging and supporting my "coming out of the closet" with this baking passion of mine.
The crowd I had gathered were 10 totally different creative and enthusiastic people, who were at the same time- my friends. In fact, I kind of had the feeling, when making the list of people that-
when I would manage to put all of them together in one room, there is nothing we wouldn't be able to do together.. And so it really was. :)
Almost none of them knew each other from before, but they all clicked in an instant. We haven't yet started solving the issues like World peace, World hunger etc. but we did come to some innovative, creative ideas and thoughts.. :D
Still, lets not forget the thing that put them all together - cakes.. cupcakes.. sweets.. So, for this "taste room", I made 10 different types of cakes.. My mind and imagination were over the roof, I even dreamed about what i wanted to make, and how to make it.. And it turned out almost just as i imagined (with some last minute practical changes). The list of cakes I did will be posted whenever I get the photos from the event (because, yes.. one of those 10 creatives was a photographer.. how convenient!)
But to not let you completely in dark with how it looked like, here is a little hint..
Cupcakes were also the instrument of inventing different poses for photos.
And we finished the evening with a round of totally unequal game of Pictionary..(I should really scan and post the images of the winning team so you would understand what I am talking about )
All in all, I am really happy to know that this Taste room ended up being such a success, for both me and my friends. I cannot wait to repeat something like that, maybe for the celebration of my 1000th member on my Facebook group.. (ah, that modesty!). At the same time, I am totally excited waiting for the photos of our future photography master, Jazz.. and to share them here with you, of course..
Until than, sunny greetings from Zagreb!
Just in case you wish to know which one is me on the photos.. hint- purple cardigan! :)
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